Friday, March 2, 2007

Daddy's Home

Growing up, I remember my dad coming home from work and heading right for a martini. He did not have a drinking problem, but used the one drink (and sometimes two) to relax. He hated his job, or more accurately he hated his boss. His stress was felt throughout the whole family.

I usually get up at 5:30am each morning. I work out for 30min, shower, get dressed and get to work by 7am. I work until 5:00pm or 5:30pm, then I head home. Somedays there is no time for lunch. So when I get home, my brain is fried, my eyes hurt and I'm dragging. Lately, when I get home, due to a play that I'm in, my mind is on the next thing I have to do. As the stress in my life builds, I too find myself reaching for a beer to relax. I never have more than one a night, but lately its been one every night.

I've asked Thea if she thinks I have a drinking problem, and she says no, but sometimes I wonder...

The other day was especially stressful. I have a big project that was just awarded and the work is very time critical, so every day is a little more stressful than the last. I was driving home and thinking, "Boy, I need a beer." As I open the door into the house, with my mind on the next big crisis ahead of me, I hear...


and see two great kids running to give me hugs and kisses. My worries, concerns, and stress melt away instantly as they jump on me. What a joy!

Sometimes, the joy your kids have when they see you is dismissed, especially when life is overwhelming. Who needs beer when you have that kind of love.

1 comment:

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

I love to read about how the kids make you feel! It's beautiful!