Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Through the streets

Typically, before I head out for a run, I will think about the route I want to take. I know how much time I have and how many miles I want to put it, so I map it all out ahead of time. Sometimes I use the route mapping software over at RunningAhead (http://www.runningahead.com/maps) just to make sure I get the miles I need. I think this takes some of the fun out of running. Finding new routes and going down unknown streets are kinda exciting and keeps the mind active. A few weeks ago I ran a 8-mile run through the snow covered streets in Columbus, Ohio from my in-laws house. Had no idea where I was going, or where I was, but I put in the miles, found my way back and enjoyed it (except for that damn cold wind!)

Today I did the same thing. I went out and ran. Turned corners when I felt like it, went straight when I felt like it. A couple of times I ended up in familiar territory, but that's ok. I put in my six miles, and it went pretty quickly. I enjoy spontaneity, especially when I plan for it!!

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