Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Doctors Appointment

Well, ran twice so far this week, and had knee pain both times. Yesterday, I felt a pulling sensation in the side of my left knee, which went away after a bit, but then came back toward the end of the 5-mile run. Today, the pulling sensation was there the whole time. It did not get worse, but it did not get better either. This past weekend, I felt the pulling, but also my right IT band was hurting at the end of my 12-mile run. I'm still rolling and stretching each day, but not doing my leg exercises. So starting tomorrow, I'm back doing the exercises.

I'm freaking out a bit since the marathon is a week from Sunday. I'm considering pulling out of the race and concentrating on getting better, but Thea suggested going to the doctor one more time.

I called and luckily they had a cancellation and will be able to fit me in tomorrow. So, I'm going to go, explain the issues, and see what he says. Wish me luck!

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